Disaster works complete

Lockyer Valley Regional Council staff completing emergency infrastructure works at Adare Road. Picture: LVRC

Lockyer Valley Regional Council has advised the emergent works phase of recovery from the January 2024 weather event is now complete.

Severe storms and flooding damaged parts of the region in late January 2024 and in February, council was activated for Counter Disaster Operations, Emergency Works and Restoration of Essential Pubic Assets (REPA) under the Ex-TC Kirrily event.

LVRC Infrastructure Portfolio Councillor Michael Hagan said the Emergency Works period concluded at the end of April.

“Almost half of the more than 700 defects identified have been repaired to date.,” Cr Hagan said.

“While the extent of damage incurred is not the same as the 2022 flood events, it has still required substantial effort to rectify.

“Council has been undertaking these Emergency Works while also finalising 2022 REPA and Betterment funded programs before their deadlines of 30 June 2024.

“Following the Emergency Works, The Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s REPA damage assessments have commenced and are being prioritised for either temporary or permanent repairs.

“We appreciate the community’s patience and understanding as we work towards rebuilding our road network assets following this latest weather event.”

All works were funded through the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit www.lockyervalley.qld.gov.au