Breaking the stigma

Neville Black (far right) from the Ipswich Prostate Cancer Support Group talked about health checks and treatment options for men. Pictures: ROSEWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE

The Rosewood Men’s Health & Wellbeing Expo was held during Men’s Health Week on Friday 14 June at the Rosewood Uniting Church.

The mental health expo was filled with information and resources for men in the aim of breaking down myths and barriers that men face in accessing the support they need to live happier and healthier lives.

Local men were treated to a free burger and refreshments and attended two panels with experts from local support groups who shared their knowledge about health checks, diagnosis, and treatment options for improved mental and physical health.

The Rosewood event had amazing lucky door prizes donated by Bloom Hearing and Rosewood Dental, and everyone walked away with a goodie bag filled with health information and freebies, with still a few of these bags left over that can be collected from the Rosewood Community Centre for anyone who was not able to attend the event.

Rosewood and District Support Centre community project worker Tia Lancaster said the centre hosts the event annually to inform men of the local support services they can access for their mental health.

“The Rosewood and District Support Centre hold this event every year to highlight the need for self-care and encourage our local men to acknowledge what is going on for them and seek the support they need to seek the diagnosis and treatment that may extend and improve the quality of their lives,” she said.

“The purpose is to demystify and normalise issues that can occur for men and provide connections to the resources and services they may need.

“There is so much information out there by bringing the stallholders and experts to our community we are starting the conversation and making the connection.”