Rosewood steps up 2024

Rosewood Show Society steps up its game every year, thanks to its dedicated committee and volunteers.

Treasurer Renea Lenihan welcomes the community to celebrate Rosewood’s biggest event over two action-packed days on 28 and 29 June.

“Each and every year our show gets bigger and better and we always like to bring some new attractions to the show,” Mrs Lenihan said.

The show is taking advantage of the school holidays with more events on Friday, 28 June.

“Poultry is going to be at the Rosewood Show on the Friday as well as the Saturday this year, as we’re making it two full days of show activity, which is not what we’ve normally done previously,” Mrs Lenihan said.

“The rodeo is always a very popular feature on the Friday night for all age groups, families included.

“We still have a number of our regular events, being the dog section on Friday and the Elizabeth Boughen Memorial section, which is running all day on Friday this year instead of just half the day.”

Mrs Lenihan was excited for several new events which have been added to Saturday’s line-up.

“We have a number of exciting new events in the hamburger eating competition for the adults and the hotdog eating competition for the kids,” she said.

“We also have the Outback Challenge and that’s open for a junior and senior section.

“That’s something we haven’t had at our show for a long time so we’ve reinstated that with a few little quirks along the way.

“We have FMX Motorbikes there as well throughout the course of the day and into the evening.”

Mrs Lenihan was excited to announce Dave Manchon and the Rooftop Express would hold their first ever Queensland Show of The Comedy Duck Show at Rosewood.

“The ducks are herded by dogs and they do a comedy act,” she said.

“We’ve seen it at the Sydney Royal Show and it was absolutely fantastic.”

Mrs Lenihan said she loves working with the committee alongside her husband, Rosewood Show Society president Paddy Lenihan.

“We’ve been involved in the show society for 22 years now,” she said.

“Paddy’s family are very heavily involved in the horses, so Paddy came on as the ring steward in the horse section and we did that for a number of years.

“Paddy and my children now are 19 and 17 and they’ve been involved in the show since they were born, realistically, they come along to every event we go to.

“Now they’re also passionate about it as well and they want to keep that culture going.”

Mrs Lenihan said Rosewood Show Society had an excellent committee of both younger and older generations working towards a common goal.

“That forward planning that we’re doing each and every year is continually making our show a bigger and better show,” she said.

“If we can put on a good show and receive excellent feedback, which we do, it gives us an extra lease of life.”

Mrs Lenihan said the Rosewood Show was Rosewood’s biggest event of the year and the committee wanted to keep it alive and well.

“We see some people only once a year and that’s at the Rosewood Show, and it’s good to be able to meet those people and talk with those people,” she said.