Purga peers meet for tea

Purga School’s former students, staff and family reunited on Saturday, 22 June, with the school’s second-last principal Don Wyatt cutting the cake. Pictures: SHIRLEY DANCE

Former students, staff and family from Purga School reunited on Saturday, 22 June to reminisce and connect with friends from past lives over tea and cake.

The school opened in 1871 and closed in 1967.

Marburg woman Shirley Dance went to Purga from 1953 to 1960 and said there was a great turnout at the reunion.

“There would have been 40 people that signed the visitors book,” she said.

“We’ve decided we’re going to have another one next year.”

Mrs Dance attended with her cousin Lyn Hall and an older lady named Hazel Sills.

“When I started school she was probably in about year 7 and they had a buddy system way back then, the older students took care of the younger ones when they came in,” she said.

“Pam Lobwein brought a lovely cake which was cut by Don Wyatt, the second-last principal.”

“Denley Stenzel is a bush poet and he recited some ‘schoolyard poetry’, as he called it.

“It was a really lovely day.”

Mrs Dance thanked Neil Chant, Geoff Twiddle and her brother Ken Bauer for organising the morning tea and lunch.