A sense of community

The Friends of Lake Apex crew have received a much needed helping hand from Lockyer Valley’s Bangladeshi refugee group in 2024. Pictures: FOLA

Members of the Bangladeshi refugee community have picked up a shovel and generously donated their time to the Friends of Lake Apex (FOLA) working bee initiative over the past several months.

Lake Apex Parklands volunteer crew efforts since February have involved weeding the dry rainforest arboretum and mulching a large section of the bird-hide peninsular, which in 2023 had 40 native trees planted.

Bangladeshi refugee group member Mohammad Hassan said the collaboration with FOLA had significantly strengthened the Bangladeshi refugee communities’ sense of belonging in the Lockyer.

“During an afternoon walk at Lake Apex, I noticed FOLA seeking volunteers for their projects,” he said.

“After learning more about their activities, I discussed the opportunity with the Bangladeshi refugee group at Lockyer Vally.

“They agreed to join, and together we became involved with FOLA’s working bee volunteers to help preserve Lake Apex Parklands.

“I wanted to contribute to creating and maintaining a beautiful, sustainable space for everyone to enjoy.

“Volunteering with FOLA has been a rewarding experience, allowing me to give back to the community and make a positive difference in our local environment.”

Mr Hassan said the experience of volunteering with FOLA had shaped him into a more environmentally conscious and proactive community member.

“One memorable experience with FOLA was participating in the restoration of the native plant garden at Lake Apex Parklands,” he said.

“The project involved removing invasive species, including weeds, and planting a variety of native flora, which was both physically demanding and educational.

“These initiatives aimed to restore biodiversity and support wildlife conservation in the parkland.

“The most rewarding aspect was witnessing the immediate positive impact on the ecosystem and the visible appreciation from local wildlife.”