Australian Navy Cadets arrive in the Lockyer

An excellent opportunity has arrived for youth in the Lockyer with The Laidley RSL sub-branch announcing the establishment of the first-ever Navy cadets unit in the region. Picture: AUSTRALIAN NAVY CADETS

The Laidley RSL sub-branch is proud to announce the establishment of the first-ever Navy cadet unit in the Lockyer Valley, offering local youths a unique opportunity to develop self-discipline and a spirit of adventure through a range of leadership and team-building skills.

The Lockyer Valley cadet unit will host its open day at the Laidley RSL on 6 July and will be part of an unprecedented forming of a new Navy Cadet Flotilla, involving eight cadet units and spanning southeast Queensland, including Toowoomba, Oxley, Beenleigh, and Southport, forming the Gallipoli Flotilla.

Gallipoli Flotilla Lieutenant Commander Max Condon said local youth will now have an excellent opportunity to learn and engage in various life skills and activities previously unavailable to Lockyer youths.

“At the camps, we have power boating, canoeing, stand up paddle boards,” he said.

“They do navigation, first aid, abseiling, and develop cooking skills as well.

“It gives the kids an opportunity to fly drones, and a range of skills they might not have the opportunity to do elsewhere.”

Laidley Navy Cadets Lieutenant Officer in Charge Adam Brown said the Australian Navy Cadets will offer kids excellent pathways to progress and develop from a recruit rank to Warrant Officer.

“In life, quite often you are defined by your failures, but as a cadet, you have the opportunity to make mistakes and learn,” he said.

“If kids choose a military career, good on them, they don’t have to, it’s the skills they learn at Navy Cadets that prepares them for life.

“You can tell the kids that have been in cadets.

“I’ve seen young, introverted kids come in at 12, where they’re huddled in the corner, and three years later, they’re running an Anzac parade in front of 5,000 people.”

Cadets’ starts for those turning 13 in the calendar year they intend to enrol or are already 13 years or older, they must not have reached the age of 17.

The Laidley Navy Cadets will hold its official first ceremonial parade march on 10 July at the Laidley RSL.