More than $28,000 for arts

?Richard Blundell was awarded $1,066 through RADF for the Introduction to En Plein Air Painting. Picture: LVRC

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a partnership between Lockyer Valley Regional Council and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, has just awarded another successful host of recipients a much-needed funding boost.

RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage, and a diverse and exciting range of creative arts and cultural projects will soon benefit from funding throughout the Lockyer Valley.

LVRC Libraries and Galleries Portfolio Councillor Julie Reck said more than $28,000 in funding from the latest round of RADF submissions has just been awarded.

“This funding will give the green light to a range of innovative and exciting opportunities for our community,” Cr Reck said.

“RADF funding has supported the arts community in our region for several years, and it’s really fulfilling to see our communities’ ideas come to fruition through this fund.

“We congratulate all our successful applicants.”

The successful projects include:

– ​Alex Stalling (Tinker) – $4218 for the Lockyer Valley Kids Workshop.

– ​Izabella Steinhardt – $900 for Aboriginal Art Workshops.

– ​Cluster Arts – $4730 the Lockyer Valley Garden Party 2024

– ​Something to Sing About – $2191 for the Choir 10 Anniversary Concert

– ​Richard Blundell – $1066 for Introduction to En Plein Air Painting.

– ​Melissa Buchholz – $8480 for the ​Lockyer Valley Concert Series

– ​Hainian Yu – $6100 for A Musical Christmas.